
Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention

February marks Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.

Consequently, the same month that commemorates love and Valentine’s Day also brings with it staggering statistics for teens.

According to the CDC , adolescents in a relationship are likely to experience some form of abuse before adulthood. Unfortunately, both boys and girls alike can fall victim.

As many as 15% percent of young men and nearly 26% of young women are bound to experience sexual, physical or emotional abuse while in a relationship before their eighteenth birthday.

Let’s talk.

Awareness is key in preventing this type of abuse in teens.

This is why an entire month was designated to TDV (teen dating violence) for the purpose of informing the public at large. It also lead to Dating Matters, developed by the Centers of Disease Control, to promote healthy relationship strategies.

Undoubtedly, it’s important to open up dialogue with adolescents. Conversations, while not always easy, are necessary to find out if a teen is at risk. And, it’s equally important to talk to the teens in your life about what healthy relationships entail.

Fortunately, there are websites such as Love is Respect and an array of published information to help guide parents and caretakers on how to do this. And if you go online and type in hashtags such as #knowyourworth, many more sites and information will populate.

What if your Teen is already in trouble and a victim of TDV?

You may find yourself thinking it may be too late for your teen loved one; perhaps, you’ve already found out about a life changing incident.

While it may no longer be preventable through a mere dialogue session at this point, justice can and should still come into play. Among other things, contacting a personal injury attorney specializing in helping individuals and families who are victims of such abuse is key.

If you or someone you love has been the victim of sexual assault, take action. Contact the Law Offices of James G. Graver, P.A. today for a free and confidential consultation.

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