New Year, New Goals, New Auto Insurance?

If the new year has inspired you to shop or even cancel your auto insurance policy, then, please read on.


The new year is a perfect time, if it’s a perfect time for you. You do not have to wait for a renewal notice from your current insurance provider. In fact, you can shop your existing policy anytime, the sooner the better.

How often should I shop for car insurance?


Ideally, you should shop auto insurance every year. This is because shopping for auto insurance once a year will help you determine if you’re getting the best rate. Since it’s a competitive industry, you’ll want to get multiple quotes and compare.

Should you find a better deal, you may consider letting your current insurance company know. They may surprise you. They may be willing to match the rate you obtained or give you an even lower rate to keep you with their company.

However, should you decide to switch carriers, first find out if your existing policy has early cancellation fees; or any other fees that may apply. In other cases, you may be entitled to a refund from your unused premium if you switch before your premium expires. So, be sure to find out which applies in your situation.


It’s Illegal—-Simply put, it is illegal not to carry car insurance in the state of Florida.

Less driving—Since the Covid-19 pandemic, many have discovered working from home. Others’ have minimized their time on the road with so many online delivery options nowadays. But less driving just means there may be a different policy that can better fit your coverage needs. It’s just not a reason to cancel altogether.

Affordability—Rather than cancel, ask your insurance company for a discount. What your agent tells you may surprise you. However, if you do not qualify for one, ask them for other coverage options that may lower your premiums.

You Move—Moving to another state that doesn’t require auto insurance is highly unlikely. There are only 2 states that do not require drivers to carry car insurance. And even New Hampshire and Virginia, who do not require it, recommend drivers purchase a policy.


Cancelling without another insurance policy in place is never recommended. As mentioned, it is illegal to drive without car insurance.

If you plan to cancel, consider speaking to your agent first whether by phone or in person to let them know. It’s a common courtesy and also gives them a chance to win back your business. Thereafter, cancellations should be done in writing through a signed cancellation letter to be mailed and/or faxed.

If you are switching carriers, your new insurance provider should be able to assist you with this as well.

Include UM (Uninsured Motorist) in your Quotes

Despite the law, Florida has a very high rate of uninsured drivers. Perhaps the highest in the nation. This means that even if you have insurance, if you are in an automobile accident with someone who does not, you may not be covered at all. Assuming you were injured and not at fault, without this coverage, you would likely be responsible for all of your out-of-pocket expenses.

So, be sure to speak to your insurance agent and go over what protects you if you are hit by an underinsured driver or one with no insurance at all. To be safe, include some type of uninsured motorist in your policy, and contact an attorney if you are involved in a crash caused by another driver.


If you’re injured in a car accident, through another person’s negligence, give us a call at 561-228-7820. The Law Offices of James G. Graver, P.A. is here to help you.

The most important thing you can do, aside from carrying uninsured motorist protection, is to speak to an attorney. Here at the Law Offices of James G. Graver, P.A., we specialize in personal injury and all types of accidents, including car accidents. Consultations are always free and confidential, and you will be able to speak directly with an attorney to evaluate your case.

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