Broken Bones in Lake Worth Motorcycle Accidents

The Law Offices of James G. Graver, P.A., represent Lake Worth motorcycle accident victims left with serious injuries such as broken bones. Our motorcycle accident lawyers secure full support for our clients so they have what they need to recover physically, emotionally, and financially. We provide a free, no-obligation case consultation to all riders with serious injuries. Contact us to schedule a confidential case review. It’s a chance to determine what your injury is worth and find out how to hold a careless driver fully responsible.

Do I Need a Lawyer After a Motorcycle Accident?

If you are in an accident caused by a careless driver and you suffer a serious injury, like a broken leg or fractured ribs, speaking with a lawyer can be a necessary step. These fractures can affect your ability to participate in family time, perform your work duties, and take the motorcycle rides you love. You may need expensive medical care to get back to your normal life.

When the support from car insurance companies is needed most, they can work to hold back compensation from you. When expenses are high, insurance adjusters will try to blame you for a motorcycle crash or question the seriousness of your injuries. Your lawyer is your safeguard against this type of treatment. A Lake Worth Motorcycle Accident Lawyer fully investigates the driver involved and then demands the support you need to rebuild your life.

Broken Bone Dangers in Lake Worth Motorcycle Accidents

Experienced motorcyclists can tell you just how many times they’ve had to adjust for the mistakes of drivers who aren’t paying attention to the road. Careless drivers rarely take the time necessary to spot the riders who may be traveling beside them or in front of them.

Their reckless decisions force vulnerable motorcyclists into collisions. First, and impact with a vehicle, and then with a road surface. With very little protection, victims often suffer devastating broken bones. These injuries might leave riders waiting for bones to heal. Victims could require surgery. In the worst cases, a badly broken bone could make an amputation necessary to save a life.

These and other severe outcomes make it all the more necessary to ensure riders get the financial support they need for as long as recovery takes. Your attorney with the Law Offices of James G. Graver, P.A., collects every medical bill you receive and directs them all to the car insurer. We also make sure the other economic and non-economic losses you suffer are fully compensated.

Common Bone Fractures in Motorcycle Collisions

Florida emergency room doctors treat all types of injuries after motorcycle impacts. In a short time, doctors and nurses have diagnosed and repaired almost every bone in the body.

These and other bones are the most commonly fractured in motorcycle crashes:

  • Broken Arms – Hands, fingers, wrists, elbows, and shoulders can suffer devastating breaks. The radius and ulna bones in the lower arm might fracture along with the humerus in the upper arm.
  • Leg Fractures – The Tibia and Fibula in the lower leg might snap. The foot and ankle bones might fracture. Riders can land on their knees and break a kneecap.
  • Chest Fractures – An impact can break ribs and put internal organs at risk. The collarbone (clavicle bone) is one of the most commonly fractured bones. A breastbone (sternum) break is another painful injury.
  • Skull Fractures – Motorcyclists with and without helmets can suffer broken skulls. Victims might suffer brain damage and not know they have brain bleeding going on.
  • Pelvis and Hip Fractures – The bones that make up the pelvis and the hips are always vulnerable. The hip bones include the largest and strongest bones in the body, the femur (upper leg bone). The femur requires extreme force to fracture, but a motorcycle crash can carry that force.
  • Facial Broken Bones Motorcyclists can land on their faces to break jaw bones, the nose, cheekbones, and even the front of the skull around the brow.
  • Neck and Back Injuries – This concerns the bones that protect the spine. Impacts can stretch or compress the vertebrae to cause painful breaks.

Compensation for Lake Worth Motorcycle Accident Victims

Riders who are sent from their motorcycles in collisions should always visit their own doctors after a crash, even if they’ve already been to the emergency room. The shock of what’s happened can mask the pain of a broken bone. Victims may not know they have a hairline fracture until they wake up the next morning. A doctor can help you chart every injury and use X-rays to track down fractures that weren’t originally detected.

Your lawyer will be ready to document every injury you have and the financial hardships they cause. Every damage must be included in a claim filed against a careless driver’s car insurance company. Anything left off won’t be able to earn your family additional compensation.

Your attorney will make sure every damage you’ve had to cover is compensated in a motorcycle accident settlement check. These and other losses must factor in:

  • Current hospital bills and the cost of care expected to be needed in the future.
  • Support to pay for surgery if a bone is found to have healed incorrectly weeks or months down the road.
  • Lifelong support for victims who suffer permanent disabilities in a devastating motorcycle accident.
  • Support for a permanent scar or disfigurement caused by a bone that’s left sticking through the skin.
  • Travel costs to go to doctor’s appointments during a time when victims may be unable to drive. Transportation to doctors and surgeons that may be in other cities.
  • Support for the physical pain patients endure.
  • Support for the emotional trauma caused by a frightening crash and a difficult recovery. We want riders to feel confident when they return to their motorcycle rides.
  • Support for a loss of enjoyment of life. The inability to ride a motorcycle again or participate in family activities.
  • Reimbursement for the paychecks victims lose while missing work during recovery.
  • Motorcycle accident wrongful death benefits. Support for families who tragically lose a loved one in a collision. Families must receive help paying for a burial service and remaining ambulance and hospital bills. They should also be supported in the future as they move forward without the guidance and financial support the victim would have continued to provide.

Contact a Lake Worth Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Our firm knows how difficult it can be to deal with car insurance companies after a motorcycle accident. Don’t do it alone. Allow the Law Offices of James G. Graver, P.A., to fight on your behalf to earn the full amount of compensation available for your losses.

We are committed to working to make sure that you have all of the resources available so that you can fully recover from your injury or loss. Contact us today to schedule your free and confidential motorcycle accident case consultation.

If you feel our lawyers can help you secure more for your broken bone, you won’t need to worry about how you’ll pay us. We don’t get paid unless we win your case. Then our attorney’s fee is paid out of the compensation you are awarded.

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